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Why are you still waiting to automate your marketing programs?

Companies spends millions and millions of dollars running marketing programs to both acquire and retain customers. But, we do believe that in an increasingly multi-channel environment, companies will be able to realize multi-fold returns on their spends, only if they automate the marketing process. Erick Slack writes:

Perhaps the biggest stumbling block for companies debating whether to purchase a marketing-automation solution is the fear it will be a wasted investment. But if you’re a business leader, you should really be concerned with how marketing automation can increase sales. Whether you want to capture more leads, qualify the strength of leads or determine the value of leads after a marketing campaign, marketing automation can help, which inevitably results in higher sales numbers.

Integrated Marketing

Marketing-automation solutions integrate marketing and lead-management programs to improve their effectiveness. Criteria for determining the strength of leads can be combined with tools for permission-based emails, direct mail, customer surveys and market-research solutions to ensure that you’re targeting the right customers.

Improved Sales Opportunities

Marketing automation also helps ensure that sales and marketing departments are in harmony about how to achieve the desired increase in sales. The software can provide tools, research prospective leads and conduct personalized marketing campaigns. According to strategist and business adviser Jill Konrath, “The only way to capture the attention of corporate decision makers is to create a very personalized message based on in-depth research of their firm.”

Analyze Effectiveness

Marketing-automation software additionally helps you determine if your last marketing campaign was a boom or a bust. Whether a campaign is designed for short-term results or is part of a long-term strategy, you’ll have access to real-time information about all of your company’s marketing and lead-management efforts. Analytical tools give you the ability to track campaign success or failure, and can help companies create metrics and protocols for crafting consistently effective marketing campaigns. This results in more leads, which naturally boost sales.

Given these benefits, many companies have realized the value of automating their marketing campaigns and have proceeded to take action to show quick wins and expand, once a business case is built with the right ROI metrics.

At Cequity, we believe customer intelligence will be the biggest competitive advantage enterprises will have in the next decade or two. Successful enterprises of tomorrow will be the ones who can organize and leverage this information at speed to optimize their marketing performance, increase accountability, improve profit and deliver growth. Cequity insights will bring to you trends and insights in this area and it’s our way of sharing best practices so as to help you accelerate this culture and thinking in your organization.
May 2024

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